Working with Articulate: Lucy's story so far
My Articulate journey began in India, where I spent 7 months running art workshops with children and young adults. I currently co-facilitate the HAVEN project. I have seen Articulate strengthen their values and ways of working, through offering supervision to the artists and providing training, which really helps to enable the artist to provide a safe space.
In India I worked alone on the project, which came with some challenges. On reflection to this, Articulate recognised the importance of running projects with two artists. Now with Haven I am one of two artists. I enjoy working alongside another artist, to be able to share ideas, experiences and reflections.
It’s amazing to be part of the Articulate team. Everyone shares passion, values and ideas that bring art and positive moments into young people’s lives. I love working with Articulate because it’s full of surprises. Each child brings their imagination, ideas, curiosity and energy into the workshops.
With Articulate I feel…
Enlightened, humble, intense, emotional, laughter, stories, connection, collaboration, innovatively, passion, surprise, focus, Imagination, ideas, provoked, passion, creative and colourful.