Clock Tower Sanctuary
Since 2013 we have worked on an on-going project basis with Clock Tower Sanctuary in Brighton running therapeutic photographic based workshops led by Laura Montag.
In 2018 we ran ‘(re)imagined spaces', a 12-month photographic project working with young people who identify as homeless or are in insecure housing in Brighton & Hove.
“Our photography invites us to consider what different spaces in the city mean to us.”
“As we navigate through a city, there are places we pass daily without consideration. What might these areas mean to someone else? Is there a hidden story? A first kiss? A place of sanctuary for someone? Was there a witness to another story? Or is it where someone might sleep?”
As part of the Brighton Photo Fringe, artworks from ‘(re)imagined spaces' were installed across the city in outdoor exhibitions and on the ONCA Barge at Brighton Marina, winning us the ‘most innovative’ exhibition award.
Clock Tower Sanctuary works with 16-to-25-year old homeless people to give them space, support and stability.
This work has been funded by Arts Council England and Chalk Cliffe Trust.